How to Unify your Internal Human Resource Communications

Your internal messaging regarding successes, setbacks, initiatives, and more depends on the ability and reach of your HR department.

An informed, efficient workforce depends on effective HR communication

“A healthy internal working environment depends heavily on communication and the key driver of clear, consistent messaging comes from HR departments. HR communicates employee benefits, performance reviews, company news, initiatives, and events among a sea of other important information.” Says Evan Violette, CSS PSG Managing Sales Director.

In this remote work age, where executives are experiencing heightened paranoia over employee productivity, it is imperative to note the importance of connectivity. According to a Business Wire study, among employees who self-report as more productive, 71% reported feeling more connected to coworkers 

HR acts as the central switchboard of an organization’s internal web of communication, so make sure you evaluate your HR department’s proficiency to promote the best internal messaging. Talented firms like Contemporary Staffing Solution’s Professional Staffing Group specialize in filling your HR staffing needs with the best and brightest in the industry. With CSS PSG’s staffing expertise and these eight principles, you will retain talented, productive employees by perfecting your HR communications.  

Here are the most important practices needed to facilitate a consistent, engaging flow of internal communications through HR. 

1. Emphasize communication heavily through onboarding 

Building the habit of clear communication starts during the onboarding process of new hires. A Sapling report found that a positive onboarding experience can improve employee retention by a resounding 82%. The first weeks of employment make or break many employees’ chances at success, and a core proficiency learned during this period is where to find information.  

HR departments should have a minimum of one month of coordinated meetings, onboarding training, scheduled social inclusions, and more planned out for new hires. HR needs to ensure new hires know where to go and whom to go to with their questions. Furthermore, HR should build a centralized information map for employees to refer to if they forget where to find specific information. With the myriad of internal tools and resources, detail and clarity are key to smooth onboarding.   

2. Plan an effective communication strategy aligning HR with overall company goals

A holistic communication strategy needs to be deployed that aligns with overall company goals. HR departments should consult upper management regarding key business objectives in order to relay that information to employees in separate departements. Tone, style, and method of outreach should all be consistent with company core values to align employees with a shared purpose.  

A recent Deloitte study reported that an overwhelming 77% of executives think companies are not focused on aligning employees’ personal goals with corporate purposes. Competent HR departments will close this gap by communicating business objectives in a joint fashion

3. Secure leadership buy-in 

When leaders get on board with HR policy and communication improvements, the rest of the organization follows. If adoption of new policies is to succeed, this concept must be thoroughly understood and unanimously agreed upon.

HR departments should frame strategy proposals such as weekly management actions, or learning and development opportunities, with positive ROI statistics to sway management. Running a pilot communication project with employee feedback is another effective tactic to win managerial support.

4. Connect employees and encourage teamwork

HR not only has the power to communicate information between managers and employees, but should also encourage inter-employee communication. A Cision study found that 75% of senior HR managers agreed that employee collaboration, communication, and a culture of mentorship dramatically enhance workplace performance

Consistent interaction between employees is as important, if not more, than their interactions with HR. Camaraderie and empathy are fostered through HR initiatives such as mentorship programs, social office events, and happy hours which help build a culture of collaboration. These gatherings are especially important for remote employees farther removed from their coworkers. The stronger the culture you build, the better your teams perform.

5. Field continuous feedback

The purpose of improving your HR communication capabilities is to galvanize an employee base, so it makes sense to gather feedback from your intended audience. Do employees feel informed on company goals and progressions? Are there enough opportunities for employees to collaborate? Do employees feel involved and aligned with company goals?  

These kinds of questions should be consistently polled to identify and alleviate employee disconnect. HR departments should implement regular employee polling to gather feedback and iterate internal communication processes accordingly. Feedback, given by unbiased new hires, is especially effective. A Sapling study reported that soliciting new hire feedback improves communication relationships by 91%. If you take just a smidgen of information away from this section, make sure you gather new hire feedback.  

6. Utilize your various HR ambassadors

Organizations with multiple offices nationwide, or even worldwide, will field different communication preferences from each. Your organization’s HR ambassadors are the conduits through which upper management hears updates and information from each individual office. Upper management should cater unifying, yet individualized, messages to their various offices depending on cultural or systematic differences. Some offices may be early adopters of new communication technology while others may be more reluctant. Be in constant communication with individual office HR ambassadors and encourage inter-ambassador dialogue to spur messaging ideation.

7. Consolidate communication tools without restricting dialogue pipelines

A delicate balance needs to be struck between maximizing communication opportunities while minimizing the number of communication tools. Information can get lost in the ether if employees have too many communication portals to track. The previously mentioned Sapling study also found that the average new hire onboarding experience consists of 54 activities; an already immense schedule further complicated by piling on disparate communication tools.

8. Partner with CSS Professional Staffing Group to maximize your HR communications

Modernizing your HR department’s communication capabilities only succeeds with experienced HR professionals in place, and CSS PSG has the network and expertise to fill those roles. With a robust recruitment process, large and qualified talent pool, and modern technologies, CSS PSG is here to streamline your department’s HR, Accounting & Finance, Office Support, and Call Center staffing needs. Reach out today to learn how we have supported hundreds of other HR teams nationwide!  

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